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Locating Your Headlight Adjustment Screws: Quick Guide

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Headlight Adjustment Screws

As a driver, it is crucial to ensure that all components of your vehicle are working correctly to maximize your safety. One essential aspect of driving at night is having proper visibility, and headlights play a vital role in this. However, there may come a time when your headlights need adjustment, which can be done by locating your headlight adjustment screws.

In this quick guide, I will explain how to find and adjust your headlight adjustment screws to achieve optimal night-time visibility.

Key Takeaways:

  • Locating your headlight adjustment screws is critical for safe driving at night.
  • Adjusting your headlights can improve their alignment and brightness.
  • The headlight adjustment screws are usually located on the side of the headlight or inside the casing.
  • Replacing a headlight adjustment screw is necessary if it is worn out over time or damaged.
  • Adjusting your headlights can save you money and time by avoiding a trip to the mechanic.

Where Are the Headlight Adjustment Screws?

Locating the headlight adjustment screws can be a tricky process, but it’s vital for optimal night-time visibility. The first step is to determine the make and model of your car, as different vehicles have varying headlight assemblies.

If your headlights have a clear headlight lens, the adjustment screws are typically located on the back of the headlight housing. You can access them by popping the hood of your car and detaching the clips that secure the plastic casing used to cover the headlight. Once you remove the casing, you will see the adjustment screws.

Alternatively, if your headlights have a black backing, it’s likely that the adjustment screw is located on the side of the headlight housing. To locate the adjusting screws, park your car about 25 feet away from a wall and mark the center of each headlight’s beam with a piece of painter’s tape. Then, open the hood and remove the bolts and screws along with the plastic casing. The adjustment screw will be exposed, and you can adjust it vertically to achieve the desired alignment.

Most headlights have a pair of adjustment screws, one on top and the other on the side. After adjusting the vertical alignment, make sure to secure them to the headlights and reassemble the headlight. Don’t forget to lubricate the adjustment screws as this makes them a little easier to operate.

If you have trouble finding the adjustment screws or don’t feel comfortable making adjustments yourself, consider taking your car to a mechanic. Replacement parts for headlight adjustment screws can be found at local auto parts stores if you’re planning on replacing them yourself. It’s also crucial to measure the distance from the ground to ensure proper alignment of the headlights, especially the intense part of the beam that needs to be adjusted.


Q: How do I know if my car headlights are aimed properly?

A: You can tell if your headlights are aimed properly by observing the beam pattern on the wall. The center of each headlight should be at the same height and the beam should be focused and not scattered.

Q: Where can I locate the adjustment screw for my car headlights?

A: The adjustment screw can usually be found near the center of the headlight, behind the black backing. You may need to remove the screws holding the backing to access the adjustment screw.

Q: Do I need to adjust my headlights when replacing the bulb?

A: Yes, it is recommended to check and adjust the headlight aim after replacing a bulb to ensure proper alignment.

Q: What tools do I need to adjust my car headlights?

A: You may need a screwdriver and a silicone lubricant for adjusting the headlights, and it’s helpful to have a light source and a wall to project the headlight beams for proper adjustment.

Q: How do I put my car headlights back together after adjusting them?

A: Once you’ve adjusted the headlights, you can put them back together by reattaching the black backing and securing it with the screws you removed.

Q: What should I do if my car headlights come with a plastic cover?

A: If your car headlights come with a plastic cover, you may need to remove it to access the adjustment screw for proper alignment.

Q: I can’t locate the adjustment screw for my headlights, what should I do?

A: If you’re having trouble finding the adjustment screw, refer to your car manual or consult a professional for guidance.

Q: Are there any precautions I should take while adjusting my car headlights?

A: It’s important to adjust your headlights in a safe and legal manner. Ensure the car is on level ground, and the headlight beams are projected onto a wall away from other vehicles.

Q: Do all car headlights have the adjustment screw on top?

A: Not all headlights have the adjustment screw on top. Some headlights may have the screw located elsewhere, so be sure to check the specific location for your car model.

Q: Can I use the same adjustment screw for both horizontal and vertical adjustments of my car headlights?

A: Most cars have separate adjustment screws for horizontal and vertical adjustments, so be sure to use the correct screw for the specific adjustment you need to make.


In conclusion, it is crucial to regularly check and adjust your headlights for optimal visibility at night. If you are unable to access the screws or are unsure of how to adjust your headlights, it may be necessary to take your car to a mechanic for assistance. The location of the screws and the method of adjustment may vary depending on the year your car was manufactured and the make and model. Replacement parts can be found at local auto parts stores, and it is crucial to ensure that you replace the parts exactly where you found them to avoid any potential damage to your vehicle.

Once you are ready to reattach the cover, it is recommended to wait up to an hour for it to harden before driving. To accurately adjust your headlightspark your car in front of a wall and pull up as close as possible. Use a tape measure to measure the distance from the ground to ensure that the beam is at the necessary height. If the distance needs to be adjusted, locate the adjusting screw and use a phillips screwdriver or socket wrench to make the necessary changes. It is important to note that the screws may wear out over time and may need to be replaced. Lubricant can be used to make them a little easier to turn.

By following these steps, you can safely and accurately adjust your headlights for optimal visibility at night. Remember to regularly check and adjust your headlights to ensure safe driving on the roads.